Almost twenty nine minutes added to my log for songs played, taking my total to 607 hours and thirty four minutes in total logged.
This session on the Rocksmith 2014 Remastered, although I hope to get some time tonight, I was fairly late into work and so won't be able to finish as early as I normally do.
Songs practiced were:
American Idiot by Green Day
Boys Don't Cry by The Cure
Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd
We Are The Champions by Queen
Walk This Way by Aerosmith
My Generation by The Who
Pinball Wizard by The Who
Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard
I don't directly choose the songs to practice, I keep track of the number of days since I last played a song, and apply a modifier to give some songs a higher priority.
The current modifier list is:
- Learning
- Almost all sessions
- Gig
- Exclude (this one is for songs I really don't like and reduces how often I play the song)
At the moment I am using a spreadsheet, but when I have time I will have build a Ruby on Rails application that will help me to track the songs. After that I have a fancy for building an Android application that will talk to the database.