Wednesday, October 31, 2018

11926 and I forgot to stop the stream and recording for a while. Oops.

Today I played for 42 minutes taking my total logged time to 770:51. All together, I have played 11926 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 176 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel, and it appears that I forgot to stop the stream for a while. Oops.

Songs attempted were:
  1. Angela by Jarvis Cocker on Bass played in E tuning (played twice because I wasn't concentration and hit the wrong button)
  2. Under Cover of Darkness by The Strokes on Bass played in E tuning
  3. Ricochet by Brian Adam McCune on Bass played in Drop D tuning
  4. Do You Remember by The Horrors on Bass played in E tuning
  5. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Bass played in E tuning
  6. I Want Some More by Dan Auerbach on Bass played in E tuning
  7. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Bass played in E tuning
  8. Back on the Chain Gang by The Pretenders on Bass played in E tuning
  9. Me and the Bean by Spoon on Bass played in E tuning
  10. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure on Bass played in E tuning
  11. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand on Bass played in E tuning

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

11916 and some songs I don't play very often

Today I played for 26 minutes taking my total logged time to 770:15. All together, I have played 11916 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 175 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel. Songs attempted were:

  1. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Rhythm played in E tuning
  2. Cold Company by Minus The Bear on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Love That's Gone by La Sera on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Drops of Jupiter by Train on Rhythm played in E tuning
  5. When I'm with You by Best Coast on Combo played in E tuning
  6. American Idiot by Green Day on Rhythm played in E tuning
  7. Do You Remember by The Horrors on Lead played in E tuning
(edit - put the correct time played and logged time in)

Monday, October 29, 2018

11909 and a new follower, taking me to 11. Almost a Spinal Tap moment.

Today I played for 54 minutes taking my total logged time to 769:49. All together, I have played 11909 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 174 days since I played all the songs in my list.

I had a new follower tonight, I hope I am just as excited if I get through affiliation as I am now.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel.

Songs attempted were:

  1. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  2. Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Are You Gonna Go My Way by Lenny Kravitz on Rhythm played in E tuning
  4. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders on Lead played in E tuning
  5. California Brain by RapScallions on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Drops of Jupiter by Train on Lead played in E tuning
  7. Go With the Flow by Queens of the Stone Age on Combo played in E tuning
  8. I Want You Back by Jackson 5 on Lead played in E tuning
  9. Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  10. R U Mine by Arctic Monkeys on Lead played in E tuning
  11. Space Ostrich by Dinosaur on Lead played in E tuning
  12. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand on Lead played in E tuning
  13. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  14. Three Little Birds by Bob Marley on Lead played in E tuning
  15. Where is My Mind? by Pixies on Combo played in E tuning

11894 and another 40 minutes of songs attempted

Today I played for 40 minutes taking my total logged time to 768:55. All together, I have played 11894 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 174 days since I played all the songs in my list.  This session was streamed on my twitch channel. Songs attempted were:

  1. Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley on Lead played in E tuning
  2. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Mean Bitch by Taddy Porter on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Drops of Jupiter by Train on Lead played in E tuning
  7. Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  8. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Lead played in E tuning
  9. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand on Lead played in E tuning
  10. Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet on Lead played in E tuning
  11. Higher Ground by Red Hot Chilli Peppers on Lead played in E tuning

Saturday, October 27, 2018

11883 and a blast on the bass

Today I played for 23 minutes taking my total logged time to 768:15. All together, I have played 11883 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 172 days since I played all the songs in my list.  This session was streamed on my twitch channel Songs attempted were:

  1. Angela by Jarvis Cocker on Bass played in E tuning
  2. Do You Remember by The Horrors on Bass played in E tuning
  3. Under Cover of Darkness by The Strokes on Bass played in E tuning
  4. Ricochet by Brian Adam McCune on Bass played in Drop D tuning
  5. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Bass played in E tuning
  6. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Bass played in E tuning
  7. American Idiot by Green Day on Bass played in E tuning

Thursday, October 25, 2018

11876 and I forgot to post this yesterday.

Today I played for 24 minutes taking my total logged time to 767:52. All together, I have played 11876 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 169 days since I played all the songs in my list.  This session was streamed on my twitch channel.

Thanks to Vianna7uk and Wis3_Panda for hosting, and also to BethFreemanArtist for following me.

Songs attempted were:

  1. Drops of Jupiter by Train on Lead played in E tuning
  2. House of the Rising Sun by The Animals on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand on Lead played in E tuning
  5. I Want You Back by Jackson 5 on Lead played in E tuning
  6. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

11870 and another short session streamed

Today I played for 25 minutes taking my total logged time to 767:28.

All together, I have played 11870 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 168 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel. Many thanks to Vianna and Wis3_Panda for hosting my channel today. #SpreadTheLove

Songs attempted were:

  1. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas on Lead played in E tuning
  2. Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure on Lead played in E tuning
  4. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Mean Bitch by Taddy Porter on Lead played in E tuning
  7. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Lead played in E tuning

Sunday, October 21, 2018

11863 and session 5 of the cub camp weekend

Today I played for 22 minutes taking my total logged time to 767:03 hours.

All together, I have played 11863 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 166 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was not streamed on my twitch channel due to connection issues.

Songs attempted were:
  1. Are You Gonna Go My Way by Lenny Kravitz on Rhythm played in E tuning
  2. Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers on Rhythm played in E tuning
  3. Some Nights by FUN. on Alternate Lead played in E tuning
  4. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Angela by Jarvis Cocker on Alternate Lead played in E tuning
  6. Cold Company by Minus The Bear on Lead played in E tuning

Saturday, October 20, 2018

11861 and session 4 of the cub camp

Today I played for 23 minutes taking my total logged time to 766:56. All together, I have played 11861 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 165 days since I played all the songs in my list.  This session was streamed on my twitch channel Songs attempted were:

  1. Love That's Gone by La Sera on Rhythm played in E tuning
  2. House of the Rising Sun by The Animals on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Higher Ground by Red Hot Chilli Peppers on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Play with Fire by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Losing My Religion by REM on Rhythm played in E tuning

11857 and session 3 of cub camp

Today I played for 26 minutes taking my total logged time to 766:39. All together, I have played 11857 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 165 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was not streamed on my twitch channel due to connection issues.

Songs attempted were:

  1. Rebel Rebel by David Bowie on Lead played in E tuning
  2. London Calling by The Clash on Lead played in E tuning
  3. When I'm with You by Best Coast on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Go With the Flow by Queens of the Stone Age on Combo played in E tuning
  5. Burnished by White Denim on Rhythm played in E tuning
  6. Peace of Mind by Boston on Lead played in E tuning
  7. I Got Mine by The Black Keys on Lead played in E tuning

11856 and session 2 of Cub Camp

Today I played for 23 minutes taking my total logged time to 766:35. All together, I have played 11856 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 165 days since I played all the songs in my list.  This session was streamed on my twitch channel Songs attempted were:

  1. Me and the Bean by Spoon on Lead played in E tuning
  2. Black Magic by Magic Wands on Rhythm played in E tuning
  3. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure on Rhythm played in E tuning
  4. High and Dry by Radiohead on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Rhythm played in E tuning
  6. R U Mine by Arctic Monkeys on Rhythm played in E tuning
  7. Do You Remember by The Horrors on Lead played in E tuning

11850 and session 1 at Cub Camp

Today I played for 24 minutes taking my total logged time to 766:15.

All together, I have played 11850 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 165 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was not streamed on my twitch channel as the signal strength at the Scout Hut doesn't support a reliable stream (only around 140kbs).

Songs attempted were:

  1. Mean Bitch by Taddy Porter on Lead played in E tuning
  2. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Lead played in E tuning
  4. I Want You Back by Jackson 5 on Lead played in E tuning
  5. A More Perfect Union by Titus Andronicus on Combo played in E tuning
  6. Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet on Lead played in E tuning

Friday, October 19, 2018

11844 and nothing much to say about this

Today I played for 26 minutes taking my total logged time to 765:51. All together, I have played 11844 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 164 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas on Lead played in E tuning
  2. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders on Lead played in E tuning
  3. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Drops of Jupiter by Train on Lead played in E tuning
  7. Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
Up to four visitors on my channel, with Wis3_Panda the most notable visitor (although she was afk painting).

Thursday, October 18, 2018

11837 and a bakers dozen songs streamed

Today I played for 48 minutes taking my total logged time to 765:26. All together, I have played 11837 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 163 days since I played all the songs in my list.  This session was streamed on my twitch channel Songs attempted were:

  1. Somebody To Love by Jefferson Airplane on Bass played in E tuning
  2. Angela by Jarvis Cocker on Bass played in E tuning
  3. Do You Remember by The Horrors on Bass played in E tuning
  4. Under Cover of Darkness by The Strokes on Bass played in E tuning
  5. Stone by Alice in Chains on Bass played in Eb Drop D tuning
  6. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Bass played in E tuning
  7. Walk This Way by Aerosmith on Bass played in E tuning
  8. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Bass played in E tuning
  9. Me and the Bean by Spoon on Bass played in E tuning
  10. Mary Jane's Last Dance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers on Bass played in E tuning
  11. I Can't Hear You by The Dead Weather on Bass played in E tuning
  12. Go With the Flow by Queens of the Stone Age on Bass played in E tuning
  13. Stay In by Jaws on Bass played in E tuning

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

11825 and a comment on the stream

Today I played for 24 minutes taking my total logged time to 764:41 hours.

All together, I have played 11825 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 162 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel with a peak of four viewers, and a question from JxTom.

Songs attempted were:

  1. Blood and Thunder by Mastodon on Rhythm played in D tuning
  2. My Own Summer (Shove It) by Deftones on Rhythm played in Eb Drop D tuning
  3. Stone by Alice in Chains on Lead played in Eb Drop D tuning
  4. All I Wanna Do by Splash on Rhythm played in E tuning
  5. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand on Lead played in E tuning
  6. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

11819 and a brief visitor

Today I played for 22 minutes taking my total logged time to 764:16.

All together, I have played 11819 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 161 days since I played all the songs in my list. Some on my playlist I can't play on this system as they are only available on my Steam client.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley on Lead played in E tuning
  2. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas on Lead played in E tuning
  3. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  4. I Want You Back by Jackson 5 on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Drops of Jupiter by Train on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure on Lead played in E tuning
Thanks to wis3_panda for dropping in and listening to The Spider and the Fly.

Monday, October 15, 2018

11869 and another unwatched stream. C'est la vie.

Today I played for 46 minutes taking my total logged time to 768:02. The stream lasted just over an hour, so I seem to spend about quarter of the time playing either waffling on, or selecting and tuning my guitar/bass.

All together, I have played 11869 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 163 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers on Bass played in E tuning
  2. I Want You Back by Jackson 5 on Bass played in E tuning
  3. Love That's Gone by La Sera on Bass played in E tuning
  4. Angela by Jarvis Cocker on Bass played in E tuning
  5. Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard on Bass played in E tuning
  6. Under Cover of Darkness by The Strokes on Bass played in E tuning
  7. My Own Summer (Shove It) by Deftones on Bass played in Eb Drop D tuning
  8. Do You Remember by The Horrors on Bass played in E tuning
  9. House of the Rising Sun by The Animals on Bass played in E tuning
  10. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Bass played in E tuning
  11. Unnatural Selection by Muse on Bass played in Open G tuning
  12. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Bass played in E tuning

11857 and some new viewers (but no new followers)

Today I played for 31 minutes taking my total logged time to 767:15.

At times I had the heady heights of up to four viewers! Including the first question about where the dusty end was! No new followers though.

All together, I have played 11857 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 163 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel, and kindly hosted by Vianna.

Songs attempted were:

  1. Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers on Lead played in E tuning
  2. Mean Bitch by Taddy Porter on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Vasoline by Stone Temple Pilots on Rhythm played in E tuning
  4. Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard on Rhythm played in E tuning
  6. A More Perfect Union by Titus Andronicus on Combo played in E tuning
  7. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders on Lead played in E tuning
  8. Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet on Lead played in E tuning

Saturday, October 13, 2018

11849 and a short session streamed with more technical issues

Today I played for 17 minutes taking my total logged time to 766:44.

Today's technical issues were mainly that my PS3 needed a system update. I had intended just to play while I drank a cuppa, but once I'd gone to the effort of setting up for streaming, that I should actually do something (although I did consider a private practice session). I still have some new songs to download still.

I could do with some time to do a long session, and get some additional songs played I haven't played on bass before.

All together, I have played 11849 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 164 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. Cold Company by Minus The Bear on Bass played in E tuning
  2. I Want You Back by Jackson 5 on Bass played in E tuning
  3. Angela by Jarvis Cocker on Bass played in E tuning
  4. Rotten Apple by Screaming Females on Bass played in E tuning
  5. Black Magic by Magic Wands on Bass played in E tuning

Friday, October 12, 2018

No stream or playing today

Major tech issues today. Yesterdays setup didn't work at all despite *nothing* having been changed.

Initially the video capture card wasn't getting the video feed, but it was getting the audio. So IT Crowd solution: turn it off and on again.


Now the video is working but not the audio.

Uninstall the mixer software

Install the latest mixer software (much newer).


Try getting the game audio through the audio box. Notice that the capture card was now getting the audio.

Everything back together the way it was supposed to be.

[looks at clock] And that's lunchtime over and gone.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

11844 and a quiet stream.

Today I played for 25 minutes taking my total logged time to 766:27.

All together, I have played 11844 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. It has been about 162 days since I played all the songs in my list.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel Nobody listening again.

Songs attempted were:

  1. Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley on Lead played in E tuning
  2. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Drops of Jupiter by Train on Lead played in E tuning
  5. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure on Lead played in E tuning
  7. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Lead played in E tuning

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

11837 and viewers on my stream!

Today I played for 29 minutes taking my total logged time to 766:01.

All together, I have played 11837 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel Songs attempted were:

  1. Should I Stay by The Clash on Rhythm played in E tuning
  2. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon on Lead played in E tuning
  4. R U Mine by Arctic Monkeys on Lead played in E tuning
  5. I Want You Back by Jackson 5 on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Do You Remember by The Horrors on Rhythm played in E tuning
  7. Mary Jane's Last Dance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers on Lead played in E tuning
  8. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
I had up to three viewers on my stream today, thanks for Vianna and Elephant Sacks for tuning in. Many thanks to Vianna for helping organise my audio issues. Using a cheap microphone doesn't help me one bit, so I'm now using one of my good microphones in the office as well as at home.

To reach affiliate status, I need to get another 40+ followers, and get more than an average of 3 viewers over my streams.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

11829 and a short session

I was wanting to try and get the mac to record the video, but it's being a pain. And after rebooting it's ignoring it's keyboard again!

Audio at work much improved, I used my Focusrite Scarlet 6i6 to capture the audio from the original microphone, and it seemed loud enough.

Nobody was on my channel to give feedback, so I'm just going to hope for the best, and that I get someone listening tomorrow.

Today I played for 15 minutes taking my total logged time to 765:31.

All together, I have played 11829 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel Songs attempted were:

  1. Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet on Lead played in E tuning
  2. Slow Hands by Interpol on Combo 2 played in E tuning
  3. Mean Bitch by Taddy Porter on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Are You Gonna Go My Way by Lenny Kravitz on Rhythm played in E tuning

Monday, October 8, 2018

11825 and a successful stream. The playing not so much

Today I played for 34 minutes taking my total logged time to 765:16. All together, I have played 11825 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends. This session was streamed on my twitch channel Songs attempted were:

  1. Drops of Jupiter by Train on Lead played in E tuning
  2. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Lead played in E tuning
  3. A More Perfect Union by Titus Andronicus on Combo played in E tuning
  4. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Rhythm played in E tuning
  5. Are You Gonna Go My Way by Lenny Kravitz on Single Note played in E tuning
  6. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure on Lead played in E tuning
  7. Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  8. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand on Lead played in E tuning
  9. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders on Lead played in E tuning

11816 and still audio problems

I have some audio problems with the mic I use at work, I think I'm going to have to carry my audio box back and forwards until I come up with another sound solution. Many thanks to Panda for helping to attempt to resolve them.

Today I played for 21 minutes taking my total logged time to 764:43.

All together, I have played 11816 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders on Lead played in E tuning
  2. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas on Lead played in E tuning
  3. Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley on Lead played in E tuning
  4. Black Magic by Magic Wands on Rhythm played in E tuning
  5. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E tuning
  6. Walk This Way by Aerosmith on Lead played in E tuning

Sunday, October 7, 2018

11810 discovered some streaming issues

Thanks to reita for advising me on sound issues with my stream this morning. Much appreciated!
Today I played for 36 minutes taking my total logged time to 764:21. All together, I have played 11810 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. My Generation by The Who on Bass played in E standard tuning
  2. Middle of the Road by The Pretenders on Bass played in Drop D tuning
  3. Stuck On A Wire Out On A Fence by The Dear Hunter on Bass played in E standard tuning
  4. Vasoline by Stone Temple Pilots on Bass played in E standard tuning
  5. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas on Bass played in E standard tuning
  6. Say It Aint So by Weezer on Bass played in Eb tuning
  7. I Want You Back by Jackson 5 on Bass played in E standard tuning
  8. For A Fool by The Shins on Bass played in E standard tuning
  9. Sore Tummy by Paws on Bass played in E standard tuning
  10. Next Girl by The Black Keys on Bass played in E standard tuning

Saturday, October 6, 2018

11800 songs played!

Today I played for 19 minutes taking my total logged time to 763:45. All together, I have played 11800 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. Song 2 by Blur on Bass played in Eb tuning
  2. Chimney by The Yellow Moon Band on Bass played in E standard tuning
  3. All I Wanna Do by Splash on Bass played in E standard tuning
  4. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon on Bass played in E standard tuning
  5. Angela by Jarvis Cocker on Bass played in E standard tuning
  6. Islands by The xx on Bass played in E standard tuning

Friday, October 5, 2018

11794 and another five songs attempted

Today I played for 21 minutes taking my total logged time to 763:26. All together, I have played 11794 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones on Lead played in E standard tuning
  2. A More Perfect Union by Titus Andronicus on Combo played in E standard tuning
  3. Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand on Lead played in E standard tuning
  4. Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones on Lead played in E standard tuning
  5. For A Fool by The Shins on Rhythm played in E standard tuning

Thursday, October 4, 2018

11789 and thinking about giving up

Today I played for 30 minutes taking my total logged time to 763:05. All together, I have played 11789 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas
  2. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones
  3. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders
  4. Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley
  5. Black Magic by Magic Wands on Rhythm
  6. Mean Bitch by Taddy Porter
  7. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon
  8. Mary Jane's Last Dance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

11871 and another streamed sessions - up to two viewers (briefly)

Today I played for 23 minutes taking my total logged time to 762:34. All together, I have played 11781 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. Black Magic by Magic Wands
  2. Drops of Jupiter by Train
  3. You Don’t Know What Love Is (You Just Do As You’re Told) by The White Stripes
  4. Higher Ground by Red Hot Chilli Peppers
  5. 21 Guns by Green Day
  6. Three Little Birds by Bob Marley

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

11775 a better session than last night. One brief visitor too!

Today I played for 20 minutes taking my total logged time to 762:11. All together, I have played 11775 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. Mary Jane's Last Dance by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
  2. Drops of Jupiter by Train
  3. Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet
  4. Back on the Chain Gang by The Pretenders
  5. Boys Don't Cry by The Cure

Monday, October 1, 2018

11770 Why do I bother?

Today I played for 23 minutes taking my total logged time to 761:51. All together, I have played 11770 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

Songs attempted were:

  1. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas
  2. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones
  3. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders
  4. Mean Bitch by Taddy Porter
  5. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon
  6. Angela by Jarvis Cocker
  7. All I Wanna Do by Splash
This streaming session was plagued by problems. 
First off my main audio interface has stopped talking to the laptop, I've tried changing the USB lead and still... nothing. Something else broken that I can't afford to replace.

Then when I tried to start streaming, I was getting encoding errors from OBS. So I abandoned the first attempt to stream, closed down most of the applications, and started again. Yet again, nobody I know followed me, they've all got better things to do I guess. It's the same old story: when they need something I'm on the speed dial. If I want something, then tough: who are you. Why do I bother?

11763 A short session on the six string

Today I played for 31 minutes taking my total logged time to 761:28. All together, I have played 11763 songs, mainly on the Rocksmith games although some have been either solo practice or with friends.

This session was streamed on my twitch channel

The only reason I'm maintaining this blog is so I can do a rebuild of my data at some point. But it is going to take a long time!

Songs attempted were:

  1. Middle of the Road by The Pretenders
  2. Wires by Red Fang
  3. California Dreaming by The Mamas and the Papas
  4. The Spider and the Fly by The Rolling Stones
  5. Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley
  6. Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones
  7. Brass In Pocket by The Pretenders