Sunday, July 21, 2013

Two days off

Fridays are not normally a good day for me to practice, I am usually helping out at a Cub meeting and am ready to head for bed once I get home.

Yesterday I was working and needed to collect my new glasses from the opticians and also had to go to the cinema to see The Worlds End. I'm not going to review the film, but I did enjoy it, and the sound track, very much.

A quick practice this morning following the technique, rehearse and game pattern I'm trying out.


Hammer on and Pull Offs

I did three attempts at this, satisfied with how I played but not happy. Scores 10517, 29735 and 50535 - just over Bronze and Silver for the first two and about half way to gold for the third.


I wasn't happy with how I did with this, so I think it will give it a much bigger focus for the next session. Scores 20336, 2501, 1725. And yes, that was the order I got the scores. The main issue was I messed up enough the first time and was moved down a level and just didn't get my act together to get the scores back up.


I got a slight improvement on In Bloom by Nirvana getting 21710 and 23960 and am happy enough. I need to get my shifting more consistent and to get the power chord ready to play for most of the song I think.

I didn't make much of a change with Higher Ground by the Chilli Peppers, a slight drop in the score but I'm happy enough with that for the moment. Scores 47378 and 471151.


Super Slider

This is a falling rocks game, where you need to slide a note to move the rock into a pile to remove the pile of rocks. I just had the one try at this, scoring 11800. Not quite sure what to make of the game at the moment.


I do like this game, I have realised that strumming when the last light hits gets a far better result and I scored 106400, not beating my high score from last time but fairly near the top - perhaps fourth or fifth I think it was.

My total points at the end of the game was 717215 and nothing new unlocked this time.

I have been having a think about an app to keep track of scores, I can't see how it can be stretched into a YRS project as it doesn't  use any open data. It might be worthwhile as a training exercise to develop ideas for creating a SaaS style  website. More thought needed on that, but for now I'm going to spend an hour coding, then lunch and shopping for tea (and getting some milk: the milk in my fridge had separated into liquid and solid) then seeing if I can get closer to the end of the book I am very late in reviewing.

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